Frequently Asked Questions


Do the SOA assessments pay for my irrigation?

No, assessments do not pay for irrigation. If your property is tied into the SOA irrigation system, you are billed for these charges as a separate item on your quarterly statement.

Where do I mail my neighborhood assessment payment?

Your neighborhood association assessment should be mailed to your association management company. To find out who your management company is, visit the neighborhood association link under the Member Menu above.


Do I need ARB approval for landscaping?

All exterior modifications, including but not limited to landscaping, fountains, patios, and statues require an approval from the ARB prior to implementation.

How long is my approval good?

For new construction, work must commence within one year from the date of the letter and must be completed within 18 months from the date of the approval letter.  Major  modifications must be completed within 12 months from the date of the approval letter. Minor modification approvals are valid for 90 days and work must be completed within 90 days from the date of the letter. An extension to these deadlines may be requested by submitting a request to the ARB Administrator in writing prior to the expiration of the approval.

When do I need to submit my project for ARB review?

All submittals should be in the ARB office by 11:30 a.m. on the Monday a week prior to the meeting. Meetings are held about every other Wednesday. See our calendar link for specific dates.

When will I get my deposit back?

The ARB Compliance Officer will conduct a final inspection to ensure the project is completed as approved. If there are no outstanding fines, a refund check will be sent to the party who originally paid the deposit.

When will I receive the ARB’s decision?

The ARB has 60 days from the date of receiving a completed submittal to render a decision.  A decision letter will be sent to the applicant within 10 calendar days from the date of the ARB meeting; however, every effort will be made to notify applicants within 5 business days.

Where can I get a copy of the ARB Guidelines?

A copy of the Guidelines are available to download using the link on the ARB Department page or the Rules and Regulations page.  A copy may also be picked up at our office during business hours. We recommend you also check with your neighborhood association documents as some may have specific guidelines that must be followed as well.

Why do I have to pay a compliance deposit?

The purpose of the compliance deposit is to provide the ARB with funds to complete the proposed improvement in the event an owner fails to complete construction of the proposed improvements in accordance with the approved plans and specifications, including the approved landscaping, or fails to clean up the construction site.

Why do I have to pay a review fee?

This fee covers the cost of consulting services for the architect and landscape architect that review each submittal.

Why do I need ARB approval for new construction & exterior modifications?

To maintain Sandestin’s commitment to quality and consistency within a given area or neighborhood environment, and to create a superior living environment for generations to come through the preservation of the architectural motif and natural character of the community.


How can I upgrade my services with Cox Communications?

Your basic cable (channels 1-120) are paid for with your assessment to the SOA.  Cox Communications also offers extended channels, premium channels such as HBO, high speed internet, and phone service.  To add any of these services, please contact the Cox Communications Sales Representative at 850-407-1418.  For additional Cox Communication phone numbers, such as Technical Support, click here.

How do I get a key for mailbox?

If you recently purchased, you should have received a mailbox key with your house/unit keys. If this did not occur, you may check with your neighborhood association manager or contact the local post office at (850) 269-1186.

How do I get a vehicle decal for a new car?

Contact the SOA Customer Service at (850) 424-5950 or stop by during business hours.
Monday-Friday 8:00 – 5:00. You will need to provide your vehicle registration in order to recieve the new RFID Electronic Access Decal.

Why can’t all owners access the pool at The Beach House (previously Elephant Walk) or other amenities?

The SOA does not own or operate the amenities such as the tennis center, the golf courses, the pool at The Beach House, etc. These amenities are owned and managed by Sandestin Investments, LLC and require club membership. For information on club membership, please contact the Owners Club office at (850) 267-8208.

General Questions

Do the SOA assessments cover insurance premium?

No. Insurance premiums, if paid through assessments, would be included in your neighborhood association assessment.

How can I upgrade my services with Cox Communications?

Your basic cable (channels 1-70) are paid for with your assessment to the SOA.  Cox Communications also offers extended channels, premium channels such as HBO, high speed internet, and phone service.  To add any of these services, please contact the SOA Cox Communications Customer Sales Support at 1-850-407-1418.  For additional Cox Communication phone numbers, such as Technical Support, click here.

How do I get a key for my mailbox?

If you recently purchased, you should have received a mailbox key with your house/unit keys. If this did not occur, you may check with your neighborhood association manager or contact the local post office at (850) 269-1186.

How do I get a vehicle decal for a new car?

Contact the SOA Customer Service at (850) 424-5950 or stop by during business hours.
Monday-Friday 8:00 – 5:00. You will need to provide your vehicle registration in order to recieve the new RFID Electronic Access Decal.

What area of the beach is for owners?

There are easements in place that allow owners and their guest to access and use the beach; however, there are certain areas that are restricted to the upland property owners use only, such as the Hilton, Southwinds, and the Beach Club.  

There are three pedestrian walkways available for owners and their guests that will lead to the accessible beach areas. 

First let’s park – – the parking lot located north of The Beach House Restaurant (just passed the Dunes Putting Course on the right) provides for 150 parking spaces for owners and guests.   There is additional parking available for owners (and their guests) that have a business relationship with Sandestin Investments (SDI) (club membership or have a unit on their rental program) located on the southern portion of this lot, past the access gate.   During the “off” season, the entire lot is generally open to all owners and their guests.  To obtain the code to this gate, please contact Sandestin Investments at (850) 267-8000. 

There are two pedestrian walkways to the beach from this parking lot.  One is located between the Hilton and The Beach House Restaurant (East walkway) and the other is located on the west side of The Beach House Restaurant.   There are restrooms available on the ground floor of the Hilton, just off of the East pedestrian walkway.

The beach area located in front of The Beach House Restaurant and Beachside Towers is available for all owners and their guests by way of an easement. 

The third beach access walkway is located between Southwinds II and Southwinds III and provides owners (and their guests) with approximately 175 feet of beach to utilize.  The parking is located on Beach Club Drive and is often referred to as Parcel 121C. (A gravel lot just before the entrance to One Beach Club Drive)  Once parked, the bridge will lead you to a walkway between the two condo buildings.  Follow the sandy path to the left (east) which is marked with bollards and ropes.  This will lead you to an open beach area that is available for owners and guests.  While the walk is a little further, this area is generally less congested and may only offer beach chair rentals on a seasonal basis.     

It is important for all owners to remember that the SOA does not own any of the beach area nor the parking parcels.  All are available through easements from Sandestin Investments and/or the upland property owners; therefore, any restrictions that may be put into place are permissible based on the language contained in the easement documents.

Why can’t all owners access the pool at The Beach House (previously Elephant Walk) or other amenities?

The SOA does not own or operate the amenities such as the tennis center, the golf courses, the pool at The Beach House, etc. These amenities are owned and managed by Sandestin Investments, LLC and require club membership. For information on club membership, please contact the Owners Club office at (850) 267-8208.

Property Services

When is trash pick up?

Trash pick up is everyday! Please place your securely tied, household garbage bag on the curb between 6 a.m. and 10:00 am each day and our Sanitation crew will be by to pick it up. If you have boxes to dispose of, please be sure to break them down flat and put them on the curb as well. Please refer to the Department Menu, Property Services page for all of the trash pick up guidelines. 


How do I get an electronic decal for my vehicle?

Owners may pick up the new RFID (Electronic Access Decal) in the SOA office during business hours. (M-F, 8-5)  Please bring your vehicle registration with you as this is now required.  RFID’s will only be issued to the property owner of record.  If you have adult children or friends that visit often, please visit the Resident Guest Registration website and register them as a permanent guest.

How do I tell Security when I am expecting a guest?

Visit the Resident Guest Registration site  (link also available from the home page of this site) and register/log in.  The first time you visit the site you will be required to register using your phone number and your unit number as your pin.  If you recieve an error message, it may be due to our records not having the correct phone number or an alternate number (such as your work or cell) is entered into the field in our database.  Should this occur, click on the email link to Gatekeeper from the site and provide the phone number you would like to use.  Staff will update the records and your access should then work.

After you successfully register, you will be able to access the site and register expected guests and/or visitors.  Upon your guest’s arrival, please have them advise the Security Officer their name and your unit/house number and they will access the information registered.  Please note, they will not be able to view guest information until the actual arrival date entered, so please be sure to enter the correct date or update if the date changes.

If you don’t have access to the internet and you are expecting a guest, you may call (850) 267-5000 and provide the information to our Security Communications Officer available 24 hours a day.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Resident Guest Registration site or process, please contact gatekeeper@soaowners.com

Why are people that are not guests allowed to drive to the Village?

The Village is a commercial property– just like any other commercial property that was here prior to the Village opening, such as the tennis center and Seagars Restaurant. Persons with a valid destination have ALWAYS been allowed access to those properties during their business hours.



Why can’t my kids drive my golf cart?

The SOA Golf Cart Policy strictly prohibits the use of golf carts by any person under 16 years of age without a valid drivers license. To view a full copy of the Golf Cart policy, visit our Security Department or Rules and Regulations page.