The SOA has a variety of Committees that consists of homeowner volunteers, including at least one representative from the Board of Directors and SOA staff. In Nov/Dec of each year the Advisory Board Chairman, (Vice-president of the Board of Directors) will solicit volunteers to serve on the committees and appoint a Chairman. Committee member terms are 1 year, except for ARB members who serve a 2-year term. Most committees meet monthly or on an as-needed basis with the exception of ARB, which holds a meeting approximately every other week. The committee meetings schedule is available on the Notices & Calendar page.
The role of each committee is to research issues pertaining to their respective area and make recommendations for solutions to the Board of Directors. If you have a question or concern you would like addressed by one of the Committees, please email it to and it will be forwarded accordingly.
Committee Notes are available on the Committee Notes page. Access to this menu is available to homeowners only after logging into this site. If you have not created an account, please do so by using the link to “Register”.
To view a matrix of the current committee structure, including the chairman, click here.
In addition to the SOA committees, there is an Advisory Board that consists of the President of each Neighborhood Association or an alternate representative from their Board. The SOA usually holds two Advisory Board meetings a year, one in February** and one in October. The October meeting is considered the Annual meeting in which the Board of Directors election is held. **As of 2024, the February meeting was changed to a Managers update and will be available via video conference unless there are proposals to be considered by the membership.
For more information on the Advisory Board or Board of Directors, please click here.